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What is counseling?

Understand the definition of counseling, its purpose and how these techniques can help you solve specific problems.

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Claude Lefort

Counseling is an Anglo-Saxon term that is difficult to translate into French, but can be described as "psychological support". The definition of counseling is"A process of supporting and guiding patients, particularly by a person trained in psychology, to resolve personal, social or psychological problems and difficulties."

It is above all a dialogue and collaboration between therapist and patient. Work is carried out on concrete strategies for overcoming the obstacles and personal challenges a person may be facing at any given time.

Counseling professionals are not coaches. They are trained in psychology and psychotherapy, helping people in difficulty to identify goals and potential solutions to the problems that cause occasional emotional distress. They seek to improve communication and coping skills, boost self-esteem and promote behavioral change and optimal mental health.

Individual counseling is a personal opportunity to receive support and grow during difficult periods in life. Counseling can help address many personal issues such as anger, stress, addictions, marital and relationship difficulties, parenting problems, work difficulties, career changes and more.

Counseling or psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy and counseling are two treatments for mental health problems that involve talking with a qualified mental health professional, such as a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Generally speaking, counseling focuses on a specific, one-off problem and is considered short-term treatment. You can learn coping and problem-solving techniques. Counseling focuses on personal goals and practical strategies to help you solve specific problems that are not related to recurrent psychological distress, psychopathology or generalized unhappiness.

Psychotherapy tends to deal with a wider range of issues and more complex problems, helping you to understand and correct your thought patterns, feelings and behaviours, or to interpret the unconscious mechanisms that contribute to recurrent psychological suffering and chronic clinical symptoms such as depression or anxiety.

How can counseling help me?

Counseling is used to address a wide range of issues and problems you may be facing. It can give you the opportunity to re-evaluate or set new goals in your life, and help you gain clarity and direction.

Counseling can be used to address issues and problems within your relationship or to mediate between you and your partner.

Counselling can help by offering you a safe, private space to talk about the problems you're experiencing, which you may find difficult to talk about with others because they feel so private. You may not feel safe or comfortable talking about them with your usual support network, friends or loved ones.

A psychologist trained in counseling will provide you with a caring, empathetic response to your problems. He or she has tools and techniques based on scientific approaches. He or she can use these tools to support or help you overcome difficulties, problems, feelings, behaviors, thoughts or a problematic situation you may be experiencing from time to time.

Counselling is person-centred, the aim being for the patient to decide on the best course of action with the support of his or her therapist. The therapist can provide tools, techniques, suggestions and practical exercises. Ultimately, it's up to the patient to decide what's best for them, which is a key element of the process.

How long do counselling sessions last?

Ideally, consultations end when the specific problem for which you have consulted becomes more manageable or is resolved.

Sometimes, however, counseling sessions can reveal older, recurring psychological problems, and you may feel the need to address these through therapy.

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